Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Before You Say I Do"

Two days ago, I received an unwanted phone call from a person whose conversation eventually became rather insulting of my relationship with Dennis. The result of that, however, was that the pair of us, along with our dearest Sue-Lynn Teo, were inspired to make a worthwhile trip to Koorong and buy ourselves some solid couple material. So we bought a book by H. Norman Wright and Wes Roberts called Before You Say "I Do". It looks pretty good and the first question on the discussion page is "Define marriage". I like the idea that this book will bring up lots of food for thought, not to mention a few good laughs about what we are really like in daily living. Plus, plenty of bible back up in the book, so I am very much looking forward to taking a stab at it.

Sue-Lynn and Dennis came to my house early and we went swimming, after which we hankered badly for a Viet Hoa lunch! It was amazing, bun is now my favourite dish! Yumyumyum. Then we went to Koorong and it was such a happy and fulfilling afternoon that I was soooo sleepy by the time I got home. But dinner has rejuvinated me and tonight we shall take a stab at the first chapter.


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